12 Things I’ve Learned About Shanghai!!!

1.  “Lil” is nowhere to be found.

2.  Rickshaws are now motorized and a total blast to ride in… probably bad parenting but super fun.

3.  Another proud city sponsor of Mystery Meat.

4.  The Bund is incredible … cross between the NYC skyline and Disneyland.  If you knew nothing about it, like us, google it… Super cool.

5.  The Cricket Market is a sight to behold.  Come get your feisty cricket warrior for a Friday Night fight.  Michael Vicks … you are safe over here.

6.  Hotter than a witch’s cuckoo here… Yikes!   Like 3 Ken dolls in an Easy Bake Oven.

7.  Taxi’s are dirt cheap… so awesome…  of course, they don’t speak English and you can’t tell them where you are wanting to go… but once you work that out… dirt cheap…

8.  It’s true… they stop you on the street and want to take your picture… Especially Buck… He might as well be Justin Bieber.  Very funny.  They like to hug him and touch his hair.

9.  Subway is fast and spotless…. If you can figure out which station you are going to.

10.  Not only is McDonalds, Coca Cola, and KFC everywhere… so is Ikea.

11.  The rumors are not true… I have yet to see sheep, goats or chickens on any domestic or international flight.

12.  The Neon signs and automated billboards are something right out of Blade Runner.  Super cool.  They just have to work out the flying cars and they’ll have it down…


On to Hong Kong….