We are in Perth, Australia getting ready to work with The Royal Flying Doctor and will be based in the outback! Yeehaw. Very excited. Check out the article.
We are in Perth, Australia getting ready to work with The Royal Flying Doctor and will be based in the outback! Yeehaw. Very excited. Check out the article.
wow simply incredible j.d. , brought a tear to my eye reading your latest blog. your account of all of your experiences makes the reader feel like they are there with you, that is a gift you possess and I thank you for it! safe journeys and have fun in the wonderful land of oz [australia, mate!!] much love to you and the boys, marcy xoxoxo
Thanks, Marcy, for all your support. You are the best! Hope the music is happening…. Don’t forget “Harvest For The World”! Love you. jd and the boys
I read the Parade article this morning and I am moved and impressed by your level of commitment to help others. What a great example, lesson, and education for your children! They are gaining so much more than can be had in a traditional classroom. A lifetime of memories! (Wish I had done something like this with my kids.) I applaud you for your courage and fortitude and wish you safe travels– may the angels be with you 🙂
The pictures on your website are just beautiful!
Thanks so much for your kindness and support of our project. We are really proud of it. Just arrived in Australia to work with The Royal Flying Doctors. We will be stationed in the outback in Broken Hill and fly throughout Australia with them. If you aren’t familiar with their work, they bring medical supplies and medical attention to the far reaches of the outback. Very excited to be able to work with such an extraordinary organization. Thanks again for your support. All the best, jd, jackson and buck
As did MIchelle, I read your story this morning in my Parade magazine, and immediately came to your site. I home schooled my children for several years, but never had the opportunity that you have given to your sons. Educating them to become citizens and lifetime “students” of the world is a wonderful thing. I applaud you all and look forward to keeping up with what you are doing. All the best in the Outback!
I just read the Parade article…amazing. You are giving your children gifts they will keep with them forever, and will inform how they make decisions for the rest of their lives. I work w/ KY Refugee Ministries…a non-profit agency that provides resettlement services for refugees that come to Lexington, KY. I would encourage ALL folks to consider who is in their own backyard, that needs this same kind of support. Less than 5% of the world’s 14 MILLION refugee are resettled into a 2nd country of asylum…a safe place to live and grow.
You and the guys are an inspiration. Your message is spreading far and wide. Several people at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church here in Greensboro, N.C. know that I studied with you and told me they’d seen the article in Parade this morning. That was an opening for me to share your larger plan of getting families to take “vacations” in a similar way, enriching the lives of their children forever. I am so proud to be your friend and I think of you and Jackson and Buck every day.
What you’re doing is amazing. The Parade article made me cry…I have always wanted to do something like this with my family. You give me hope….I can’t wait to read more about your endeavors!
I just read the Parade article…amazing. You are giving your children gifts they will keep with them forever, and will inform how they make decisions for the rest of their lives. I work w/ KY Refugee Ministries…a non-profit agency that provides resettlement services for refugees that come to Lexington, KY. I would encourage ALL folks to consider who is in their own backyard, that needs this same kind of support. Less than 5% of the world’s 14 MILLION refugee are resettled into a 2nd country of asylum…a safe place to live and grow.
What a wonderful opportunity for your children. The are going to be such inspirations and world leaders for volunteerism as a result. Thanks for your beautiful hearts and souls. How inspiring!
Just read the article in Parade. AWESOME! We love doing what you are doing! I have found it to be one of the best activities in the world to do as a family! Way to go guys. We will be heading to a care center for abused and neglected toddlers this week in Belize.
Keep up the great work!
Greg Denning
Big fan of your website, several your blog posts have seriously helped me out. Looking towards news!
Mr. Lewis,
I read the very nice Parade magazine article about your family’s adventure recently. I am a high school English teacher in Illiois and I also shared the article with my sophomore students. Our course is designed around five themes: journeys, overcoming obstacles, building relationships, identity, and heroism. Considering our themes, I had the students write a response paragraph to the Parade article. Here’s what I asked them — Based on the content of the article, do you think J.D. Lewis would say his family’s adventure is mostly about the journey, identity, overcoming obstacles, building relationships, or heroism?
I was hoping you might post a comment answering the question yourself. I’d be happy to share the breakdown of the student responses.
Thanks for your consideration,
Michael Sullivan